Linda Vista Hospital, California

The former Linda Vista Community Hospital in Boyle Heights was built in 1937 as a hospital for Santa Fe Railroad employees, and ceased hospital operations in 1990. Since 1991, the art-deco building has been used exclusively as a hospital filming location. A tiled room in the basement was used in the pilot of the television drama E.R. Scenes for the millennial Schwarzenegger vehicle End of Days (a crucifixion scene, and the birth of the potential demon-child's mother) were shot in the rooms and hallways of the hospital (new steel sheeting and caged doorways from the shoot remain in some halls) and the main lobby was used for the Dustin Hoffman virus drama Outbreak. Hospital sets are specialized shooting locations that require a lot of expensive set dressing. For this reason, shooting hospital scenes on location in existing hospitals is desirable, but active hospitals usually cannot accommodate the disruption of a film crew. Some Los Angeles area hospitals have had under-utilized portions which have allowed location filming over the years, including the Lowman Pediatric Hospital on Figueroa, the Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena, and the Good Samaritan Hospital near downtown. In 2012, the property was purchased by AMCAL Multi-Housing Inc., who intend to convert the former hospital into housing for low-income seniors.