Wal-Mart Headquarters, Arkansas

The world headquarters for the world's largest retail company is located on a generic commercial strip outside downtown Bentonville, Arkansas. Down the street (named Sam Walton Boulevard) is a Chick-fil-A, McDonalds, Sonic, Taco Bell, Subway, and other familiar faces of the contemporary American Strip, including a Walmart Supercenter, across from the corporate HQ. In addition to being the world's largest retailer, Walmart is also the largest company in the world by revenue, which amounted to $482 billion in 2016. Walmart is also the world's largest private employer, with a reported 2.3 million employees worldwide. The corporate offices are in Bentonville because the original Walton's Five and Dime where Sam Walton started up, is on the town square. While there are no visitor services at the corporate office, the Five and Dime site is operated as a public visitor's center for the company.