The Center for Land Use Interpretation Newsletter

Winter 2006, #29

Maybe we will finally be able to see the forest when we cut down all the trees. - Confucius, attributed

Editor's Note: On the Horizon
This is the 29th issue of the Lay of the Land. We’d like to be able to update our readers on a more regular basis, but it seems that doing things and talking about them are more mutually exclusive than anticipated. Think of it, maybe, as the antidote to the blog. This issue conveys some of what we have been up to, such as the extensive research into southern states, St. Louis, and other Midwestern places. But much of what we have been doing will present itself at a future date (such as projects in New York), or is less interesting to talk about in a newsletter (like the “strategic planning” we have been figuring out and our internal electronic storage and web server upgrades). We have also been working on a publication, called Overlook: Exploring the Internal Fringes of America with the Center for Land Use Interpretation, to be published this fall by Metropolis and Distributed Art Press, a full-color photo book that will help the Center’s projects and ideas reach a wider audience, after all, it is all about increase and diffusion, so long as its not too diffused in its increase! Thanks, as always, to all of you, for being there.
- Lay of the Land Editors