Remote Sensing

Northrop Grumman Space Park Redondo Beach

Northrop Grumman Space Park, Redondo Beach, California. CLUI photo
Northrop Grumman Space Park, Redondo Beach, California. CLUI photo

Remote Sensing: Explorations Into the Art of Detection
This CLUI program explores the art and science of remote sensing in literal and expressive ways, and is in two parts, based out of two locations: one in urban Los Angeles, and the other in the Mojave desert.

Remote sensing is an established science involving detection and observation from a distance, primarily using sensors based on aircraft and spacecraft. Part one of the program is about Southern California aerospace, where much of the process, technology, and hardware of remote sensing was developed, and where it is still vigorously pursued.

Remote sensing is also an art, involving creativity, subjectivity, and interpretation. Part two of the program explores remote sensing phenomenology in the field, through projects based out of the CLUI Desert Research Station.

Part One: Southern California Aerospace - now on view
Exhibit at CLUI Los Angeles 
September 13, 2024 - February 16, 2025

Part Two: Remote Sensing in the Field - coming soon
Exhibit at the CLUI Desert Research Station
January 11 - February 16, 2025

CLUI Desert Research Station

CLUI Desert Research Station, Hinkley, California. CLUI photo
CLUI Desert Research Station, Hinkley, California. CLUI photo

This exhibit is made possible with support from Getty through its PST ART: Art & Science Collide initiative, with additional support from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Remote Sensing: Explorations Into the Art of Detection is among more than 70 exhibitions and programs presented as part of PST ART. Returning in September 2024 with its latest edition, PST ART: Art & Science Collide, this landmark regional event explores the intersections of art and science, both past and present. PST ART is presented by Getty. For more information about PST ART: Art & Science Collide, please visit