Black Hills Ordnance Depot, South Dakota

The Black Hills Ordnance Depot is a largeformer Army ordnance maintenance and storage site established during World War Two, with several hundred earth covered munition storage bunkers (also known as igloos), on 21,000 acres, in the remote southwest corner of South Dakota. It was supported by a community called Igloo, where workers and their families lived, with a population as high as 4,200 during the war, and still more than 1,800 for years after the war. The depot closed in 1967, and many of the simple houses were moved to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The depot was eventually auctioned off to private owners, and the remaining buildings slowly fell into disrepair.  In 2016 the Vivos company bought most of the depot, and rebranded it as the Vivos xPoint, a survivalist community development. Individual igloos are available as private bunkers for long-term lease, and can be outfitted to contain survival supplies and rations, for around 10 people. So far just a few of the 2,000 square foot structures have been leased, but the company hopes to create the largest prepper site in the nation, with a capacity of more than 5,000 inhabitants.