Boots & Coots Corporate Headquarters, Texas

Boots and Coots's executive offices are located on the fifth floor of this building near a shopping center on the Sam Houston Parkway. Boots Hansen and Coots Matthews worked for the Red Adair Company, a well fire and blowout control company made famous after Red Adair advised John Wayne on how to play an oil firefighter for the 1968 film Hellfighters. In 1978, Boots and Coots left to form their own company, which became well-known for handling many of the 700 Kuwaiti oil fires set by retreating Iraqi soldiers towards the end of Gulf War I, along with Red Adair and the Wild Well Control Company. Though the company is diversifying into a pressure control company, you can still call them for your well fire emergency at 1-800 BLOW-OUT. Boots and Coots was acquired by Halliburton in 2010.