Centralia Power Plant and Mine, Washington
In a state dominated by some of the largest hydropower projects in the world, the big coal-fired power plant at Centralia is an anomaly. The plant was built in 1972, and was fueled by coal mined in the nearby hills, until the mine's closure in 2006. It produces over 1,330 megawatts, and is considered the biggest single source of both greenhouse gases and mercury in the state. It was purchased by TransAlta, a Canadian power company in 2000, who subsequently installed additional gas-fired generators as well as $200 million worth of scrubbers. In 2011, an agreement was reached between TransAlta, local environmental groups, and state government, to close one coal boiler by 2020, followed by closure of the remaining unit by 2025 - with emissions reductions in the interim. TransAlta has agreed to pay $55 million into an economic developement fund to help workers who will be affected by the plant's closing.