Chevron Phillips ConocoPhillips Old Ocean, Texas
A major petrochemical plant and refinery, located at Old Ocean, near Sweeney, 40 miles southwest of Houston. The Sweeny Refinery on site is owned by Conoco Phillips, and has a capacity of 247,000 barrels per day. Also on site is a chemical plant, owned by Chevron Phillips, a company half owned by Conoco Phillips (the other half is owned by Chevron). The site was first developed in WWII, as a carbon black plant (used for rubber production), built by Phillips Petroleum. The surface facilities for a large underground chemical storage site for the plant can be seen mile south of the plant, at Armstrong Lake. In 2012, Chevron Phillips announced its intention to build two polyethylene facilities on the Old Ocean site, as part of their larger U.S. Gulf Coast (USGC) Petrochemicals Project. The two new polyethylene facilities are projected to have an annual capacity of 500,000 metric tons each.