Dugout Ranch, Idaho
A complex of about twelve small caves that had been turned into rustic residences. Owned, and in most cases excavated, by "Dugout Dick" Zimmerman, who had been working the caves since 1948, and who died in 2010, at the age of 94. He became a bit of a celebrity, after being featured in national news stories and as one of the tenacious visionaries in David Isay's book Holding On. Each cave was uniquely furnished, and rented for around $5.00 a night. Pets were welcome, as long as they got along with the goat. Upon Mr. Zimmerman's death, the site was reclaimed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), as Mr. Zimmerman had in fact been living on public land with the permission of the BLM. Citing safety concerns, the BLM subsequently filled in all of the caves, leaving only a cabin standing, which now serves as a memorial to the life and times of "Dugout Dick" Zimmerman.