Point Mugu Naval Air Station, California

The Naval Air Warfare Weapons Station at Point Mugu is a 4,490 acre, heavily developed site on the coast of Southern California, near Ventura. It is a weapons research and development, test and evaluation center for the Navy, and has been developing missiles, drones and target vehicles since WWII. Point Mugu is a principal component of the Naval Western Range Complex, a network of air and ground space used for missile testing and training, which includes White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, and China Lake Naval Weapons Station in California. The Sea Test Range, 36,000 square miles of air and sea space off the coast at Point Mugu, including San Nicolas Island, is part of this complex. In 2000, Point Mugu and the Navy's nearby Port Hueneme were consolidated administratively into a new entity, Naval Base Ventura County.