Skull Valley Indian Reservation, Utah

A small Goshute Indian Reservation in Skull Valley, an isolated valley near Dugway Proving Ground, the West Desert Hazardous Industry Area, and the Army’s Tooele Depot. A few households contain all of the approximately 30 Native Americans that live on the reservation. Thousands of contaminated carcasses from a mysterious 1960's sheep die-off, later attributed to nerve gas testing at the proving ground, were buried on the reservation, making ranching unsafe (until they were dug up in the 1990s, and moved to a dump in Wendover). The only business, other than one small store on the highway, is the Tekoi Test Range, a closed rocket test site. In an attempt to raise revenue, the Goshutes proposed opening a radioactive waste storage site for spent nuclear fuel rods on their land. The benefitting industry paid them millions of dollars to just consider it, but ultimately the proposal was rejected, in 2006.