Southern California Logistics Airport (SCLA), California
This is an interesting airport, emerging from the remains of George Air Force Base, which was closed down in 1992. Much of the former base is abandoned and in a state of slow decay, but as many of the buildings were constructed during the 1970's and early 1980's, they are still in relatively good condition. The city of Victorville has been developing the base as the Southern California Logistics Airport, resulting in a number of local, national, and international companies becoming tenants. The runway area is used for aircraft storage by major airlines, as at Mojave Airport. The airport hosts a 24/7 U.S. Customs Port of Entry, as well as having been declared a Foreign Trade Zone. Before being slated for closure in 1988, it was home to a tactical fighter wing, and employed around 5,000 people. A new federal prison was built in 2000 across the street from the main entrance.