The Center for Land Use Interpretation Newsletter

Biosphere 2

Living Experiment Has New Life Without People

1082 Biosphere's main structure. CLUI photo

AMONG THE MANY PROJECTS EXPLORING alternative community living systems, Biosphere 2 is perhaps the most monolithic and technologically elaborate. Located northeast of Tucson Arizona, the complex was built in the late 1980’s by Texas oil billionaire Edward Bass. One of the original missions of Biosphere 2 was to explore the possibility of living outside of the earth --biosphere 1--should the earth become uninhabitable.

The primary structure consists of a large, mostly glass faced building, enclosing over three acres of land surface. Within this sealed enclosure, five of the earth’s biotic zones are represented in condensed form: the rain forest, desert, Savannah, swamp and ocean. In addition there is an intensive agricultural area and a “micro city.”

Biosphere gained notoriety when, in 1991, eight “biospherians” entered the structure to begin the project’s first major experiment: to farm and live in the totally sealed-off, self-contained world for two years. No material was supposed to pass into or out of the facility during that time. During the course of the experiment, however, oxygen levels dropped, and carbon dioxide levels rose to dangerous levels. Some biospherians became sick and spent time outside the structure. Ants from the rainforest invaded the desert, and the one million gallon ocean, complete with a coral reef uprooted from the Yucatan, clouded over into an opaque algeal soup. Finally, two biospherians broke the seals of the biosphere to let in some fresh air.

1166 View inside the Human Habitat at Biosphere indicates the change of strategy for the project. CLUI photo

1165 The Intensive Agricultural Bione, as viewed from outside the Biosphere. Visitors can walk around the entire structure peering into the sealed environment above numerous descriptive panels such as this. CLUI photo
Since the beginning of this experiment, Biosphere has floundered in controversy and management battles, losing all of its credibility in the hallowed halls of science. Eventually the owner and original investor, Edward Bass, gained control and entered into an agreement with New York’s Columbia University, to restore “real” science to the $200 million plus project.

Columbia took over in January of 1996, with a research agenda that mostly explores the effects of a high carbon dioxide atmosphere on plant development. Though the enclosure is opened only at scheduled times (usually twice a day to let workers in and out), no more biospherians will be sealing themselves in the Biosphere for any length of time.

Biosphere continues to be, perhaps more than anything, a tourist attraction, bringing in several bus-loads daily. After paying the $12.50 admission, visitors can buy Biosphere souvenirs at one of five gift shops, can eat at one of two restaurants and even stay at the “Inn at the Biosphere.” Columbia will continue to develop the educational resources and public programs at the Biosphere, including the experimental gardens and science displays located outside the sealed structure.

1164 Biosphere as a rotating model on display in the orientation center. CLUI photo