The Lay of the Land
Winter 2019, #42
All unmanned interpretive devices are essentially self-guiding. These include exhibits of all types, regardless of location. They may be along roads, trails, at historic buildings, various types of structures, or even in museums.
from The Interpreter’s Handbook, by Russell K. Grater
Editor’s Note
Welcome to the 42nd newsletter of the CLUI. This issue is elemental, looking at things like helium and nitrogen—elements that are invisible, but which make up much of the universe, and form the core of physical existence. In this elemental way, we are closest to each other, as well as the material world we create and inhabit, since we and it are all made of this same stuff. We may come from different places, yet we all cast our eyes on these words as part of a contiguous maelstrom of interconnected matter. Glad you are out/in t/here!