Edward R. Murrow Transmitting Station, Greenville, North Carolina. CLUI photo

Sign at entrance, Site B

Access road

Guard house

Transmission plant building

Entry lobby

Entry lobby

Entry lobby

Main control room

Master control panel

Plant supervisor's office

Transmitter GB-1

Transmitter GB-2

Transmitter GB-2 interior

Transmitter GB-2 interior

Transmitter GB-3

Transmitter GB-4

Transmitter GB-6

Transmitter GB-5

Transmitter GB-7

Transmitter GB-8

Power supply panel

Parts storage room

Antenna switching building

Transmission signal travels through cable raceway from transmitter building to antenna switching building

Signal is connected to appropriate antenna in switching matrix then leaves antenna building to antenna field

Antenna field has 39 antennas

Some antennas are curtain antennas with two masts holding up the antenna array

The signal is emitted through the grid of cables in the array

Eleven curtain arrays are spread out in a northeasterly arc

Each one points to a specific area overseas, an arc from Europe to northern Africa

This one, B-14, points towards the Middle East

There are several rhombic antennas too, where wires are strung among four towers, forming a parallelogram that directs the signal in one direction

This one, B-23, points to Cuba

The tallest towers are 450 feet high, and hold up electronically steerable arrays, which can be adjusted to respond to changing ionospheric conditions

This steerable curtain, antenna B-31, points south, towards Cuba