Eagle Nest

Eagle Nest is a private estate that is principally known as the summer residence for Harold K. Hochschild, a major figure in the development of the modern Adirondack Park, who founded the Adirondack Museum, and worked with the state of New York to establish the Adirondack Park Agency. Eagle Nest, on Eagle Lake, has been in his family since 1904, and covered thousands of acres, with several large camps, including one built by William West Durant, and another built by William Distin. Part of the property is now the Blue Mountain Center, a residence program for artists, writers, and activists, established by Harold and his son Adam (who was a co-founder of the progressive Mother Jones magazine). Harold K. Hochschild’s fortune came from the American Metals Company, a major mining and refining company founded by his father, which he took over as president. AMCO became AMAX, and still operates some of the largest mines in the USA, including the Climax molybdenum mine in Colorado.