The Satanta Maintenance Station is a small facility on the Federal Helium Pipeline, north of the town of Satanta, Kansas. It is located roughly in the middle of a pipeline which runs for more than 400 miles, from the Helium Reserve near Amarillo, Texas, to a helium plant at Bushton, Kansas. This is a field station for Amarillo-based pipeline operators, and is the only asset of the BLM’s helium operation outside of the Amarillo area, other than the pipeline itself. A small residence/office and an equipment shed are the only buildings on site. The station is located at the point where two spurs come off the main line, one running 13 miles northwest to the helium plant in Ulysses, the other a 23-mile line heading southeast to the helium plants in Liberal. Behind the shed are a few above-ground access ports for the pipeline, which otherwise is buried six feet underground for most of its run. The pipeline diameter also transitions at this point, from eight-inch diameter from here to the Reserve site at Cliffside, Texas, to four-inch diameter from here to the terminus at Bushton, Kansas.