The Lay of the Land
Winter 2016, #39
Land really is the best art. -Andy Warhol
Editor’s Note
Welcome to the 39th issue of the Lay of the Land. This issue covers some of the activities we have been engaged in over the last year, including our first exhibition on the subject of housing. Domestic land use is an important subject, of course, as homes cover much of the ground of America. We also did our first exhibit about recreational land use, focusing on golf. These two programs present a coupling, and a binary. On one hand is something that is essential and unavoidable: home. On the other hand is something that is, to many, frivolous, elitist, and wasteful: golf. But consider the possibility that these binaries can be inverted—that homes can mutate into monsters of indulgence, and golf can wither into passive playscapes on otherwise undevelopable land like closed landfills, or flood control basins. Something to consider, maybe. This newsletter is a bit shorter than recent ones, which might come as a relief to many of you. But for the rest of you, we offer the nation’s least populated state, Wyoming, which seems to go on forever, in its own way. Thanks for being there, one way or another. Fore! . . .