Located at the intersection of Venice Blvd. and Fairfax, Receiving Station D was one of the original five large stations constructed for the 132,000 volt belt line being built in the late 1920s, and is still linked directly to Receiving Stations B and C. Today it is the receiving station for most of the power produced by the Scattergood Generating Station, located on the coast at Playa del Rey. The station also receives a 138,000 volt line from the Harbor Generating Station, via Gramercy Switching Station, in south central Los Angeles. In 1941, Station D was connected to the Nichols Canyon Terminal Tower, in the Hollywood Hills, via a 132,000 volt underground cable, at that time the longest underground line at such high voltage ever completed in the country. Many DWP substations, especially in residential areas, are now principally connected through buried cables.